by Ian | Jun 30, 2014 | Announcements, Tickets

Buzz’ Big Gay Dance Party @ Porcfest 2014
I am back from an amazing Porcfest and am loaded down with emails and snail mail to catch up on. Until I get caught up, the Keenevention earlybird ticket price of just $40 (or BTC!) still applies. Remember, pre-event tickets are limited to just 100, so don’t miss out!
You can get your tickets now via credit card or bitcoin!
Also, don’t forget to join the facebook event here and share it with your friends!
by Ian | Mar 28, 2014 | Announcements, Tickets
It was my expectation that conventions in their first year very rarely bring in more money than they cost. The purpose of Keenevention is not to make money, but to give people a reason to come visit New Hampshire in the fall and while here, meet key in-state activists, discuss various types of activism, and experience the Keene area and the activism here. I really didn’t care if it covered its costs.
After running the numbers, it turns out had we only accepted cash and credit cards for our tickets, the event would have been in-the-red by a few hundred USD. However, because we accepted bitcoins, the event brought in more than it cost! We only had five bitcoin ticket sales, but four of the five were earlier in 2013, before the insane price spike toward the end of 2013.
We’re just over half a year away from Keenevention 2014, and who knows what the price of bitcoin will do by then. The price is down a bit at the moment, so grab your ticket(s) to Keenevention 2014 now!
by Ian | Oct 31, 2013 | Announcements, Tickets
Online registration for Keenevention shuts down at 12pm Eastern today – grab your last-minute tickets for just $50! Tickets for the full weekend will be $60 at the door or $25 per day.
UNLESS you arrive early. Anyone showing up before 9am on any day (in time for the first panel) will only need to pay $20 for the day pass or you can get the $50 price point for the whole weekend with “earlybird” pricing!
by Ian | Oct 25, 2013 | Activities, Announcements, Tickets
If you’ve ever eaten at the Porcupine Freedom Festival, then you probably know Mandrik. He’s also famous for his homemade baklava, which you can order online anytime. We’re fortunate to have him based in Keene. He’s a talented, fun, and bitcoin-friendly personal chef. If you are a VIP ticket holder to Keenevention, you’ll be a guest in Mandrik’s home for either lunch or dinner on Saturday!
He has put together the following menu for your dining pleasure and fellowship with new and old friends:
- Grilled Chicken Salad – Mixed greens, orange & yellow peppers, and avocado, tossed with a homemade olive oil & lime dressing. Served with grilled, seasoned chicken strips on top.
- Bacon and Spinach Sweet Potato Mash
- Dessert: George’s Famous Baklava served with cinnamon-sprinkled vanilla ice cream. (Gluten free cookie with vanilla coconut milk ice cream available by request.)
Still haven’t ordered your tickets for Keenevention? To get access to either the VIP lunch or dinner at Mandrik’s, you can get your VIP tickets here for $100 for the entire weekend.
Photo credit of Keene’s “Dooms Day Device”.
by Ian | Oct 24, 2013 | Announcements, Tickets
The first-ever Keenevention kicks off next Friday November 1st at 9am! Thus far, nearly 90 liberty-loving people are registered to attend the event! That includes dozens of speakers, panelists, and others buying tickets and visiting from all over the country. Keenevention promises to be an experimental, intimate convention. It’s the convention by activists, for activists and those who would like to be activists. Keenevention is unusual because all of our speakers are based in the Shire. These are the people who are here creating the most exciting and attractive liberty movement in the world. They may not all be “names” in the liberty movement, but they should be. These are doers.
Keenevention’s dozen panels cover the full activism spectrum! From legislators to civil disobedients to media producers to tech-geeks, Keenevention will address it all. Our keynote speakers include the President of the Free State Project, Carla Gericke speaking on the “State of the FSP”, JJ Schlessinger of “Free State Now“, and former Cheshire county jail guard Bryan Tann.
Of course, since it’s Keene, you might want to actually do some activism while you’re in town, so you’ll be able to hit the streets with Robin Hood, Keene Cop Block, visit and protest at the jail where Rich Paul is being held captive, as well as attend favorite Keene social events! Get a full list of activities outside-the-hotel here.
Online ticket registrations are open (and still just $50) through Thursday at noon Eastern. After that, you will have to buy your tickets at the door of the event and the price then will be $60. Alternately you can buy a one day pass in advance or at-the-door for $25. Don’t wait – lock in your tickets now!
by Ian | Jun 28, 2013 | Announcements, Tickets
Huzzah! The earlybird discount of $35 for the whole weekend has been extended to August 1st. You can get your tickets here!
Stay tuned for more panel announcements!