by Ian | Oct 27, 2015 | Announcements, Tickets

Keenevention is only $60 or BTC for the whole weekend!
Until noon tomorrow, 10/28, tickets will be available online for just $60 or BTC. If you’re coming – lock ’em in now before the price goes up to $75 for the weekend or $30 per day.
Keenevention 2015 kicks off this Friday 10/30 and goes through November 1st.
Stay tuned here to the Keenevention blog for more announcements (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.
by Ian | Oct 24, 2015 | Announcements, Tickets

Keenevention is only $60 or BTC for the whole weekend!
Keenevention 2015 tickets are just $60 or BTC for the entire weekend of 10/30-11/1 – if you buy them in advance. At the door the price goes up to $75 (or $30/day). While online ticketing was originally slated to end 10/26, I’ve extended it until 10/28. Please lock in your tickets here.
Stay tuned here to the Keenevention blog for more announcements (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.
by Ian | Aug 24, 2015 | Announcements, Tickets
Due to Keenevention hitting an arbitrary limit with our bitcoin payment provider, Bitpay, bitcoin ticketing was down for a few days. Bitpay lifted the account limitation today, so I have restored the bitcoin options to the Tickets page. Keenevention is this October 31st through November 1st in Keene. Here are the bitcoin ticket purchase links, for your convenience:
Full Access Ticket – just $60 USD worth of BTC
VIP Ticket – $120 USD worth of BTC
by Ian | Mar 13, 2015 | Tickets
Earlybird tickets for Keenevention 2015 are available now for just $50 USD or BTC. You can order tickets with USD now via Eventbrite – they make it easy: (or keep scrolling down for Bitcoin ticketing)
Bitcoin Tickets!
Eventbrite doesn’t do BTC, so please use these links to pay for your ticket in BTC via BitPay: (You’ll be sent a registration confirmation from Eventbrite once we put you in their system manually.)
Full Access (Super-Earlybird Discount) Ticket – just $50 USD worth of BTC: (price valid until 6/28) (more…)
by Ian | Oct 30, 2014 | Announcements, Tickets
The online pre-order window has closed and name badges have been printed. You can still get the pre-order price of $60 for the whole weekend by walking in on Friday before the first panel at 9am. Doors open at 8:30am. After 9am the price goes up to $75 for the weekend and $30 per day. This “earlybird discount” applies to Sunday as well. Before 9am, you can get in for the whole day at $25. (Or Bitcoin equivalents.)
See you in less than 24 hours at Keenevention – don’t be late! 😛
by Ian | Jul 23, 2014 | Announcements, Tickets

Get your tickets here!
More panel and speaker announcements are coming soon and now that Porcfest is well behind us, the Keenevention ticket price for full-access to the event is now only $60. Yes, that’s up slightly from last year, as the event space’s price has gone up.
As always, Keenevention is keeping prices low, compared to other conventions. I want the event to be affordable, with no sticker-shock. Keenevention features only NH-based activists as speakers, allowing the event to focus on the doers who are on-the-ground and the wide community of liberty activists here in the Shire. Plus, no fancy speakers means Keenevention bears no exorbitant speaking costs, that we’d have to pass-on.
I’m excited for what is coming together this year and hope you will join us for Keenvention 2014. Please remember that pre-event tickets are limited to 100, so order now for just $60 in USD or BTC. Or, grab a VIP ticket for $115!