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    Keenevention 2015 Day Three Recap

One Month Until Keenevention 2014 – Schedule Posted!

fbheader1The countdown begins! Keenevention 2014 kicks off on HallowKeene, October 31st! The near-final schedule has been posted. Dozens of NH-based liberty activists are lined up to speak on our various panels and keynotes – come and meet some of the amazing doers we have here in the biggest, most effective liberty movement in the world. Full panel speaker announcements are still-to-come.

You’ll enjoy various activities inside and outside the hotel and keep in mind more can be added to the list before the event hits, plus the schedule is subject to change.

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 this October 31st through November 2nd – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. Pre-event ticketing is limited to just 100, so don’t wait until the day-of to buy!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, the Keenevention facebook page, and the facebook event for the latest.

Shire Sharing Foundress Amanda Bouldin to Present Charity Panel @ Keenevention


Amanda “the Foundress” Bouldin

Amanda Bouldin, the foundress of Shire Sharing will be presenting the brand-new Charity Panel at Keenevention 2014! How are activists helping the community and how can you get involved? Come find out and bring your questions for the panel. (Panelists to be announced.)

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 this October 31st through November 2nd – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. Pre-event ticketing is limited to just 100, so don’t wait until the day-of to buy!

Here’s the current (and growing) list of speakers and panels for 2014. Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, the Keenevention facebook page, and the facebook event for the latest.

101 Reasons Documentary to Premiere During Keenevention!

101ReasonsYou may have heard about the upcoming feature-length documentary, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“, which will focus on the Free State Project‘s early movers and the myriad of reasons why the FSP’s participants chose NH as its destination. Perhaps you have seen one of the stellar vignettes that the 101 Reasons’ YouTube has been releasing throughout the year to highlight some of the content that will be in the final movie.

I happen to be one of the co-producers of the project and am excited to announce that the movie is expected to be finished just in time for Keenevention, so I’ve secured the Keene Cinemas as the location for the theatrical premiere!

We’ll be screening what should be the final version of the film (if not, it will be the current edit as of that time) and will be the first time it’s been shown publicly. You do not need to be an attendee of Keenvention to attend and admission is free!

Join us Saturday November 1st at Keene Cinemas (basically across the street from the Keenevention hotel) for the premiere of 101 Reasons! Doors open at 9am, movie starts at 9:15. Afterwards, we’ll head back to the hotel for a Q&A with the movie’s main producers Vince Perfetto and Beau Davis, which will also be open to all who attend, gratis. Admission to the movie is first come, first served, so don’t be late!

FSP President Carla Gericke to Keynote Keenevention 2014!


Carla Gericke

Free State Project president Carla Gericke returns to keynote Keenevention 2014!  This year, her topic is, “What activism from the 60s can teach us today”.  Carla is a dynamic speaker who also spoke at the 2013 Keenevention – you can see her full 2013 speech here.

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 this October 31st through November 2nd – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. Pre-event ticketing is limited to just 100, so don’t wait until the day-of to buy (when the price goes up)!

More panel announcements to come!  Here’s the current (and growing) list of speakers and panels for 2014. Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, the Keenevention facebook page, and the facebook event for the latest.

The Outlaw Josie Wales to Host New Movers Panel @ Keenevention 2014


The Outlaw Josie Wales

Announcing another new panel for Keenevention 2014 – the New Movers Panel! Get a fresh perspective on NH activism from a panel of people who’ve moved within the last year, hosted by new-mover-to-Keene, Josie Wales.   Panelists to be announced.

Check out full video from last year’s “Old School Panel” to get a perspective on NH activism from people who were some of the earliest movers.

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. Pre-event ticketing is limited to just 100, so don’t wait until the day-of to buy!

More panel announcements to come!  Here’s the current (and growing) list of speakers and panels for 2014. Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, the Keenevention facebook page, and the facebook event for the latest.

Announcing the Cop Block Panel @ Keenevention 2014

Keenevention's 2014 Cop Block Panel

Keenevention’s 2014 Cop Block Panel

Keene and Manchester have long been hotspots for Cop Blocking and especially so in 2014. Manchester has had regular DUI checkpoints that have been blocked by 30-40 activists throughout the Summer. Keene Cop Block has generated huge positive name recognition with their regular know-your-rights outreach & copblocking in the college neighborhood on weekend nights. Learn about what’s happening in the Shire from some of the key activists involved and ask questions of the Cop Block panel at Keenevention 2014!

This is a new panel for 2014 and will be presented by Cop Block Radio‘s Eric Freerock. Panelists to include Joël Valenzuela, Riaz Kahan, and Centurion.

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. Pre-event ticketing is limited to just 100, so don’t wait until the day-of to buy!

More panel announcements to come!  Here’s the current (and growing) list of speakers and panels for 2014. Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, the Keenevention facebook page, and the facebook event for the latest.