by Ian | May 17, 2018 | Announcements

Don’t ask who’s in charge. It’s you.
As you probably know, Keenevention was retired, after a great three years of events, back in 2016. Activism since then in Keene has shifted to being heavily cryptocurrency related – if you’ve been following the Free Keene blog, you’ve been staying in the loop with the very exciting developments here. For those still wanting a great excuse to visit New Hampshire, there’s great news! Many Keene-area activists and others from across New Hampshire will be attending the now-in-its-second-year decentralized camping festival, Forkfest. It’s happening June 14th through 18th at Roger’s Campground in the beautiful White Mountains of Northern NH.

Rave at Forkfest 2017 (we called it Somaliafest or Shirefest then)
Forkfest didn’t get much coverage last year, but this year the NH-based live shows on LRN.FM have been promoting it regularly and it looks like attendance will be up from last year’s couple dozen people.
Of course, we won’t how many people are going until the event happens, because it’s decentralized – that means no one is in charge. There are no organizers. There are no tickets. There’s no official schedule of events. Each attendee decides what to do. You could just hang out and camp with other libertarians, voluntarists, and liberty-loving anarchists or put on some kind of event for the other attendees. Perhaps a musical performance, speech, exhibit, sports event, or whatever. Already, attendees are self-organizing on the unofficial forums and chatrooms, which you’ll find linked from the unofficial website at
See you there!
by Ian | Mar 22, 2016 | Announcements

Sadly, Keenevention 2016 is not going to happen.
It’s with a heavy heart that I write this. As you may already be aware, Sunday morning the FBI, along with state police and Keene police raided my home, the LRN.FM studio here in downtown Keene. While I don’t believe that anyone in my home did what they are saying was done, I would not put it past the FBI to manufacture the evidence that they or I did. Look no further than the rampant corruption in the Ross Ulbricht Silk Road case or the FBI’s previous attack on Free Keene blogger Rich Paul for proof of their desperation to destroy peaceful activists.
Anyone who has ever been under active threat by the tyrannical system knows the burden it creates. Even though no charges have been leveled at anyone thus far, the FBI stole thousands of dollars in computers that were critical to the ongoing 24/7 radio network I program, LRN.FM. Now the waiting begins as they use forensic tools to comb through dozens of electronic devices including computers, SD cards, flash drives, and phones. Will they come back with false child porn charges or something else entirely? It took them most of a year to finally come back and arrest the owners of Phat Stuff head shop on Main Street after stealing their store’s inventory, their truck, and cleaning out their bank account.
All that time you wonder what is going to happen next? What else are these aggressive men and women calling themselves “the state” going to do to you and your family? Meanwhile, everything you might have wanted to do or create turns into a question mark. Why start a new project or business when the government gang might just swoop in after you’ve just gotten started and throw you into a cage?
That’s where I am with Keenevention 2016. I really have enjoyed creating these intimate conventions three years in a row, but they cost thousands to put on and that money could be used instead to rebuild my more important mission of broadcasting the ideas of liberty and peace seven-days-a-week.
In short, due to the hanging threat by the criminal gang known as “the state”, I feel it’s irresponsible to push forward with this year’s event. If you have purchased a ticket, I’ll be contacting you for a refund. Perhaps Keenevention will return in the future, but for now this website and its dozens of videos will stand as a living record of the amazing speakers and panel discussions we’ve had over the years.
If you were an attendee, I’m grateful. Thank you for being a part of the fun.
by Ian | Oct 29, 2015 | Announcements

Live auction to benefit Ross Ulbricht
Wow – the first-ever Keenevention live auction just got even bigger! We’ve got a dozen pieces of the new “Spider Silver“, donated by Roberts & Roberts Brokerage for the live auction on Friday benefiting Ross Ulbricht.
Now, thanks to – the top bids in the auction will be matched up to a $1,000 total! The live auction kicks off Friday after the Bitcoin Panel. Don’t miss it!
by Ian | Oct 29, 2015 | Activities, Announcements

VIP Dinner (2013)
VIP ticket holders (including our speakers) will be treated to a meal at the brand new 101 Peace Liberty Center on Rt. 101, and chef Jessica Phillips has announced her menu:
Baked ham, herb roasted potatoes, pumpkin cheddar macaroni and cheese, roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon, corn muffins with honey butter, freshly made applesauce with local apples and pumpkin chiffon pie.
If you have a VIP ticket, you can pick the mealtime of your choice when you check in at Keenevention. If you don’t yet have a VIP ticket, they are available at the door for $120 or BTC. Doors open tomorrow at 8:30am! See you then!
by Ian | Oct 28, 2015 | Announcements, Blog

Buy Gold & Silver with Bitcoin at Roberts & Roberts!
HALLOWKEENE Costume Dance Party began last year as a fundraiser for Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road. This year, HALLOWKEENE continues thanks to Keenevention‘s new sponsor, Roberts & Roberts Brokerage!
Roberts & Roberts is the premiere liberty source for all your precious metals needs AND they accept bitcoin! You can follow Roberts & Roberts on both Facebook and Twitter.
Big thanks to Tim Frey and his team of professionals for getting behind HALLOWKEENE and Keenevention 2015. They’ll even be providing several of their new “Spider Silver” pieces for the live auction on Friday after the Bitcoin Panel, the proceeds of which benefit Ross Ulbricht’s legal defense fund.

Spider Silver!
HALLOWKEENE is Halloween night 10/31 and runs from 8pm-1:30am! Admission is free for all Keenevention attendees and VIP ticket holders can bring one guest, gratis. If you’re not attending Keenevention, you can still attend HALLOWKEENE for $10 with costume and $20 without – just drop in to the event sometime before Saturday night and get a map from the reception desk. Please RSVP on this facebook event if you can. See you there!
by Ian | Oct 28, 2015 | Activities, Announcements

Live auction to benefit Ross Ulbricht
Darryl W. Perry of FPP.CC has been running a raffle each year at Keenevention, and there are always a bunch of great prizes donated by members of the activist community. This year, prizes will include:
- Silver pieces from Roberts & Roberts
- Free night stay at Stone Manor in nearby Fitzwilliam
- Professional 30 second radio advertisement from IPMNation – value $50
- DVD of Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree
- Books from FPP.CC
- Shire Society Declaration replica
- Shiny Badges pins
- My Magic Mud
- Farm fresh free-range chicken eggs from Wild Heart Farmstead
- Gift certificate for a free photo shoot from Maria Korfiatis
- Free service call in Cheshire County from Ed Bryans Appliances
- $15 bag of locally fresh roasted organic Honduran coffee beans with a gift certificate redeemable for 2 bulletproof coffees at Community Market Day events or Liberty Forum / PorcFest from Jessica Love
- AND a mystery box
Raffle tickets cost $1 for 1, $5 for 6, $10 for 13, or $20 for your height in tickets. Prize drawings to occur before lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday, with the final drawing before lunch on Sunday. In addition to the raffle, Darryl will also be conducting a first for Keenevention, a live auction! The live auction will occur Friday, after the Bitcoin panel and items to be auctioned will include silver from Roberts & Roberts and a Silk Road pin from Shiny Badges – proceeds will go to the Free Ross defense fund. There will be a second live auction of a Shire Society Declaration replica – proceeds will benefit Shire Sharing.